The is a Jamia student initiative to give proper knowledge about different courses to JMI aspirants. This blog helps Jamia aspirants in many ways, like we provide detailed syllabus, cut off, no. of seats, recommended books, previous year paper, link to download admit cards & result of all courses available in Jamia Millia Islamia. This blog is a part of that was started in September 2018, to help Jamia Students. So this was our story, that how we started this blog.

Since year 2019, we have also started to cover various issues in Jamia Millia Islamia. Now we have YouTube Channel, Facebook page and a very popular Instagram page with active 55000+ followers. We share Entrance related information & beautiful pictures of Jamia campus on this Instagram page, students of different departments share their issue/views, pictures, anything to us for the purpose of uploading on our page. As of now we have reach of more than 5 Lakhs people including website blog, social media accounts. And it is continuous growing.
It also aims to contribute towards community growth, development and empowerment. We help people with our full efforts. We’re an independent student-run blog/website and we would never intend to offend anyone or anything in singularity.
You are always welcome to contribute to this blog.