Answer Keys of Jamia Entrance Paper | Download in PDF | JMI 25

Are you looking for Jamia entrance exam answer keys to match your answers? Then you are at the right place.

Here, we (@jmientrance) are providing you the answer keys of various courses conducted by JMI in year 2023 and 2024. These are the official answer keys, released by Jamia Millia Islamia officials on their official website i.e.,

We can also provide the Answer Keys of year 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 and so on.

Important things to note are as follows.

  • The JMI Entrance Exam official answer key refers to the answers by JMI.
  • Education experts aka Jamia professors at Jamia Millia Islamia University compile the official JMI Entrance Exam 2023 answer key.
  • If the official body releases JMI EE answer key, then you can get it at official website
  • In the event that JMI Entrance Exam official answer key releases at login, then click on answer key download link and login.
  • However if Jamia Millia Islamia Entrance Exam solutions release as pdf, then you can directly download them.


Here is the list of all answer keys of Jamia Entrance Exam 2023:

Course CodeCourse NameAnswer KeysQuestion Paper
M33MSc MathematicsDownloadDownload
M27MSc Mathematics with Computer ScienceDownloadDownload
D01Diploma in EngineeringDownloadDownload
M38MSc BiophysicsDownloadDownload
M29MSc BioscienceDownloadDownload
M75MSc MicrobiologyDownloadDownload
M30MSc BiochemistryDownloadDownload
M25MSc PhysicsDownloadDownload
M26MSc ChemistryDownloadDownload
M01MA ArabicDownloadDownload
B52B.Voc Medical Laboratory SciencesDownloadDownload
G01PGDCA (PG Diploma in Computer Applications)DownloadDownload
B01BA ArabicDownloadDownload
B54BSc MathematicsDownloadDownload
M80MSc Banking & Financial AnalyticsDownloadDownload
B33BA Islamic StudiesDownloadDownload
M31MSc BiotechnologyDownloadDownload
B04BBA & B.ComDownloadDownload
M09MA Political ScienceDownloadDownload
B55BA Sociology, Psychology & GeographyDownloadDownload
B24B.Ed Nursery EducationDownloadDownload
B23B.Ed Special EducationDownloadDownload
M10MA Human Rights & DutiesDownloadDownload
S06Class 6thDownloadDownload
S1311th ScienceDownloadDownload
S1111th ArtsDownloadDownload
S1211th CommerceDownloadDownload
S099th ClassDownloadDownload
B38BA Mass Media HindiDownloadDownload
M24MA EducationDownloadDownload
S22RCA (JMI RCA UPSC Coaching)**DownloadDownload
###More courses are adding soon…DownloadDownload

If you want to other years answer keys, you can visit website. The answer keys are attached with the question papers.

Alternatively, you can join this WhatsApp group:

Join this group, an admin will provide the answer keys

As we know that Jamia conducts entrance examination every year and around 1-2 lakhs students give entrance exam for less than few thousand seats. Competition quite cut to throat and students must secure good marks.

Check these official answer keys and match with yours marked answer in your question paper. (If you have lost your question paper, then don’t worry. You can download it from above link.)


Also Read: Jamia Entrance Result 2023

Last Year Cutoff Marks

After matching your answers with above official answer keys, you must check last year cutoffs. If your marks (after negative marking) is around last year cutoff then well and good. If not then don’t be sad, cutoff vary each year, just pray for yourself.

There are numerous factors that are helpful in determining the Jamia Millia Islamia Cut-Off, which are as follows,

  1. Number of candidates appeared in the JMI Examination
  2. Total Number of seats available in Jamia Millia Islamia for different courses
  3. Difficulty level of the exam
  4. The performance of the candidates in the exam
  5. Category of candidate.

We have managed to provide last 3-4 year cutoffs. Here you go:


For any Updates, You can follow this page: JMIEntrance | Instagram

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