Jamia Admission Fee | All UG, PG & Diploma Courses | 2023


In this article, we will provide you details about Jamia admission fee i.e, the fee needed to be submitted at the time of your admission. The details are provided here are taken from Jamia official prospectus 2023.


JMI Admission Fee (for All Courses)

Click this download button to know the exact fee. This fee is given in yearly bases.

(Click this button)


How To Submit Admission Fee?


Fees shall be accepted by JMI through cash, online or Demand Draft.

  1. Cash Mode
    • (i)Fees in Cash may be deposited at JMI branches of either Indian Bank or Bank of India. For such payments, students are required to collect the “Pay-in Slip” from the concerned Department /Faculty / Centre’s office.
    • (ii)Fees in cash may also be deposited in other branches of “Indian Bank” or “Bank of India” by generating a “Fees Payment Challan” online on JMI’s website (http://jmi.ac.in/feepayment).
  2. Online Mode
    • (i) JMI accepts fees through Net Banking, Credit Cards & Debit Cards.
    • (ii) For paying fees online the students may visit JMI website URL http://jmi.ac.in/feepayment
  3. Demand Draft
    • (i) Fees may also be deposited through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Registrar, Jamia Millia Islamia”, payable at New Delhi.
    • (ii) Demand Draft will be accepted by the Cash Section, Finance & Accounts Office, JMI.



  • In case of cancellation of admission within a month, all charges except admission fee will be
    refunded. However, in case of self-financed programs, only 80% of the fees will be refunded.
  • In case of cancellation of admission after one-month period, only Caution Money will be refunded.
    No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • In case a provisionally admitted student is unable to submit documentary evidences in support
    of the eligibility for the program by the last notified date all fee deposited by him/her shall
    be forfeited.

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